PLEASE NOTE: Applications will be dealt with monthly - please submit any applications by 12th of the month, for decisions and awards by 20th of the month. Best wishes from all at St Pancras Welfare Trust.
The streets listed below lie within our area of benefit, which was formerly the Metropolitan Borough of St Pancras. Please refer to this list by clicking on the first letter to see if your address was in the old Borough. There have been new streets built and named since 1965, and you should check on the Google map below as well, if your address is not listed.
List of Wards in Camden with the grant-making trusts who cover them
Acton Street WC1
Agar Grove NW1
Agar Place NW1
Ainger Mews NW3
Ainger Road NW3
Albany Street NW1
Albany Terrace NW1
Albert Street NW1
Albert Terrace NW1
Albert Terrace Mews NW1
Aldenham Mews NW1
Aldenham Street NW1
Allcroft Mews NW5
Allcroft Passage NW5
Allcroft Road NW5
Alma Street NW5
Alpha Place NW5
Ampthill Square NW1
Ampton Place WC1
Ampton Street WC1
Anglers Lane NW5
Arctic Street NW5
Argyle Square WC1
Argyle Street WC1
Argyle Walk WC1
Arlington Road NW1
Arlington Terrace NW1
Ascham Street NW5
Ashdown Street NW5
Athlone Street NW5
Augustus Street NW1
Chalcot Crescent NW1
Chalcot Road NW1
Chalcot Square NW1
Chalk Farm Road NW1
Chalton Street NW1
Chamberlain Street NW1
Charles Place NW1
Charlotte Mews W1
Charlotte Place W1
Charlotte Street W1
Charlton King's Road NW5
Charrington Street NW1
Chaston Street NW5
Cheney Road NW1
Chenies Mews WC1
Chenies Place NW1
Chester Place NW1
Chester Road N19
Chester Road NW1
Chester Terrace NW1
Chester Terrace Mews NW1
Chetwynd Road NW5
Chitty Street W1
Christopher Place NW1
Churchill Road NW5
Churchway NW1
Clarence Gardens NW1
Clarence Grove NW1
Clarence Passage NW1
Clarence Way NW1
Clarendon Grove NW1
Clarendon Place NW1
Cleveland Mews W1
Cleveland Street W1
Cliff Road NW1
Cliff Villas NW1
Cobourg Street NW1
Coley Street WC1
College Grove NW1
College Lane NW5
College Place NW1
College Yard NW5
Colva Mews N19
Colville Place W1
Commercial Place NW1
Common, The NW5
Compton Place WC1
Conway Mews W1
Conway Street W1
Coram Street WC1
Cornelius Place NW1
Countess Road NW5
Courthope Road NW5
Cowley Place NW1
Crace Street NW1
Craddock Street NW5
Cranleigh Street NW1
Crawley Mews NW1
Crestfield Street WC1
Croftdown Road NW5
Crogsland Road NW1
Cromer Street WC1
Crown Place NW5
Crown Terrace NW5
Crown Yard NW1
Crowndale Road NW1
Cubitt Street NW1
Cumberland Market NW1
Cumberland Place NW1
Cumberland Terrace NW1
Cumberland Terrace Mews NW1
Curnock Street NW1
Cypress Place W1
Falkland Place NW5
Falkland Road NW5
Ferdinand Close NW1
Ferdinand Place NW1
Ferdinand Street NW1
Field Street WC1
Fitzroy Mews W1
Fitzroy Park N6
Fitzroy Place NW1
Fitzroy Road NW1
Fitzroy Square W1
Fitzroy Street W1
Flaxman Terrace WC1
Fortess Grove NW5
Fortess Mews NW5
Fortess Road NW5
Fortess Walk NW5
Fortess Yard NW5
Frederick Street WC1
Frideswide Place NW5
Ingestre Road NW5
Inkerman Road NW5
Inverness Street NW1
Islip Street NW1
Ivor Street NW1
Lady Margaret Road NW5
Lady Somerset Road NW5
Lamble Street NW5
Lancing Street NW1
Langbourne Avenue N6
Langton Close WC1
Lansdwone Terrace WC1
Laurier Road NW5
Lawford Road NW5
Laxton Place NW1
Leeke Street WC1
Leigh Street WC1
Leighton Crescent NW5
Leighton Grove NW5
Leighton Place NW5
Leighton Road NW5
Leighton Place NW5
Leverton Place NW5
Leverton Street NW5
Lewis Street NW1
Leybourne Road NW1
Lidlington Place NW1
Lismore Circus NW5
Lismore Gardens NW5
Lismore Road NW5
Lissendon Gardens NW5
Little Albany Street NW1
Little Edward Street NW1
Little Green Street NW5
Longford Street NW1
Loxham Street WC1
Lulot Street N19
Lupton Street NW5
Lyme Street NW1
Lyme Terrace NW1
Oak Village NW5
Oakeshott Avenue N6
Oakfield Crescent NW5
Oakford Road NW5
Oakley Square NW1
Ormond Terrace NW6
Oseney Crescent NW5
Osnaburgh Street NW1
Osnaburgh Terrace NW1
Ospringe Road NW5
Ossulton Street NW1
Oval Road NW1
Raglan Street
Randolph Street NW1
Rathbone Place W1
Raveley Street N19
Raydon Street NW1
Redhill Street NW1
Reed's Place NW1
Regent Square WC1
Regent's Park
Regent's Park Garden Mews NW1
Regent's Park Road NW1
Regent's Park Terrace NW1
Regina Street NW1
Retcar Mews N19
Retcar Street N19
Rhyl Street NW5
Richardson's Mews W1
Robert Street NW1
Robert's Mews NW1
Robin Grove N6
Rochester Mews NW1
Rochester Place NW1
Rochester Road NW1
Rochester Square NW1
Rochester Terrace NW1
Rochford Street NW5
Roderick Road NW3
Roger Street WC1
Roan Road NW3
Rothwell Street NW1
Rousden Street NW1
Royal College Street NW1
Ryland Road NW5
Underhill Passage NW1
Underhill Street NW1
University Street WC1
Upper Woburn PLO WC1
No streets
Bacon's Lane N6
Balmore Street N19
Baptist Gardens NW5
Barclay Street NW1
Barnby Street NW1
Bartholomew Road NW5
Bartholomew Villas NW5
Bassett Street NW5
Bath Row NW1
Bath Place NW1
Battle Bridge Road NW1
Bayham Place NW1
Bayham Street NW1
Baynes Street NW1
Beatty Street NW1
Beaumont Place W1
Bedford Passage W1
Belgrove Street WC1
Belmont Street NW1
Berkeley Grove NW1
Berkeley Road NW1
Bernard Street WC1
Bertram Street N19
Bidborough Street WC1
Birkenhead Street WC1
Bisham gardens N6
Bonny Street NW1
Boscastle Road NW5
Bramshill Gardens NW5
Brecknock Road N7 & N19
Bridgeway Street NW1
Britannia Street WC1
Bromley Place W1
Bromwich Avenue N6
Brookfield Park NW5
Brownlow Mews WC1
Brunswick Square WC1
Buck Street NW1
Burghley Road NW5
Burton Place WC1
Burton Street WC1
Busby Mews NW5
Busby Place NW5
Byng Place WC1
Dalby Street NW5
Dale Road NW5
Dartmouth Park Avenue NW5
Dartmouth Park Hill
Dartmouth Park Road NW5
Delancey Passage NW1
Delancey Street NW1
Dewsbury Terrace NW1
Diana Place NW1
Dickenson Street NW5
Doughty Mews WC1
Doughty Street WC1
Doynton Street N19
Drummond Crescent NW1
Drummond Street NW1
Duke's Road WC1
Dumpton Place NW1
Dunollie Place NW5
Dunollie Road NW5
Gaisford Street NW5
Georgiana Street NW1
Gilden Road NW5
Gillies Street NW5
Gill's Yard NW1
Glenhurst Avenue NW5
Gloucester Avenue NW1
Gloucester Crescent NW1
Gloucester Gate NW1
Gloucester Gate Mews NW1
Glynde Reach WC1
Goldington Crescent NW1
Goldington Street NW1
Goodge Place W1
Goodge Street W1
Goodsway NW1
Gordon House Road NW5
Gordon Square WC1
Gordon Street WC1
Gospel Oak Grove NW5
Gottfried Mews NW5
Gough Street WC1
Gower Place WC1
Gower Street WC1
Grafton Crescent NW1
Grafton Mews W1
Grafton Place NW1
Grafton Road NW5
Grafton Terrace NW5
Grafton Way NW1
Grafton Yard NW5
Granby Terrace NW1
Gray's Inn Road WC1
Great Croft WC1
Greenland Place NW1
Greenland Road NW1
Greenland Street NW1
Greenwodd Place NW5
Grenville Street WC1
Gresse Mews W1
Gresse Street W1
Grove, The N6
Grove End NW5
Grove Terrace NW5
Grove Terrace Mews NW5
Guildford Mews WC1
Guildford Street WC1
Jamestown Road NW1
Jeffrey's Place NW1
Jeffrey's Street NW1
Judd Street WC1
Julia Street NW5
Mabledon Place WC1
Mackworth Street NW1
Maitland Park Road NW3
Maitland Park Villas NW3
Makepeace Avenue N6
Malden Crescent NW1
Malden Place NW5
Malden Road NW5
Malet Place WC1
Manley Street NW1
Mansfield Road NW3
Maple Place W1
Maple Street W1
Marchmont Street WC1
Marquis Road NW1
Marsden Street NW5
Mecklenburgh Place WC1
Mecklenburgh Square WC1
Mecklenburgh Street WC1
Medburn Street NW1
Melton Mews NW1
Melton Street NW1
Midhope Street WC1
Midland Road NW1
Miller Street NW1
Millfield Lane N6
Modbury Gardens NW5
Modbury Street NW5
Modbury Yard NW5
Montpelier Grove NW5
Mornoington Crescent NW1
Mornington Place NW1
Mornington Street NW1
Mornington Terrace NW1
Mortimer Market WC1
Munster Square NW1
Murray Mews NW1
Murray Street NW1
Pakenham Street WC1
Pancras Road NW1
Park Square East NW1
Parkway NW1
Park Village East NW1
Park Village West NW1
Park Village West Mews NW1
Parliament Hill Fields NW5
Patshull Place NW5
Patshull Road NW5
Peckwater Street NW5
Penryn Street NW1
Pentonvville Road N1
Percy Mews W1
Percy Street W1
Perren Street NW5
Peto Place NW1
Phoenix Pla e WC1
Phoenix Road NW12
Piercefield Street NW5
Platt Street NW1
Pleasant Row NW1
Plender Place NW1
Plender Street NW1
Polygon Road NW1
Pond Square N6
Powlett Place NW1
Pratt Mews NW1
Pratt Street NW1
Prebend Place NW1
Primrose Hill NW8
Primrose Hill Road NW3
Prince Albert Road NW1
Prince of Wales Crescent NW1
Prince of Wales Passage NW1
Prince of Wales Road NW5
Princess Road NW1
Prospect Terrace WC1
Prowse Place NW1
Purchese Street NW1
St Albans Road NW5
St Andrew's Gardens WC1
St Andrew's Place NW1
St Anne's Close N6
St Ann's Gardens NW5
St Augustine's Road NW1
St Chad's Place WC1
St Chad's Street WC1
St George's Gardens WC1
St Geroge's Mews NW1
St George's Terrace NW1
St Leonard's Square NW5
St Marks Crescent NW1
St Mark's Square NW1
St Martin's Close NW1
St Martin's Gardens NW1
St Michael's Terrace N6
St Pancras Gardens NW1
St Pancras Way NW1
St Paul's Crescent NW1
St Silas Plae NW5
St Silas Street NW5
St Thomas's Gardens NW5
Sandall Road NW5
Sandwich Street WC1
Savernake Road NW3
Scala Street W1
Seaford Street WC1
Seaton Place NW1
Selous Street NW1
Sharples Hall Street NW1
Shipton Place NW5
Shirlock Road NW3
Shroshire Place WC1
Sidmouth Mews WC1
Sidmouth Street WC1
Somerset Terrace WC1
South Grove N6
South Villas NW1
Southampton Road NW5
Southampton Yard NW1
Speedy Place WC1
Spencer Rise NW5
Spring Place NW5
Stanhope Street NW1
Stanhope Yard NW1
Stanley Passage NW1
Stanmore Place NW1
Starcross Street NW1
Stephen Mews W1
Stephen Street W1
Stratford Villas NW1
Stucley Place NW1
Swain's Lane N6
Swinton Place WC1
Swinton Street WC1
Stankerton Street WC1
Varndell Street NW1
Vicars Road NW5
York Mews NW5
York Rise NW5
York Way N1 & N7
Calsen Yard WC1
Calthorpe Street WC1
Calvert Street NW1
Cambridge Gate NW1
Cambridge Gate Mews NW1
Cambridge Terrace NW1
Cambridge Terrace Mews NW1
Camden Gardens NW1
Camden High Street NW1
Camden Mews NW1
Camden Park Road NW1
Camden Road NW1
Camden Square NW1
Camden Street NW1
Camden Terrace NW1
Camley Street NW1
Canal View NW1
Cantelowes Road NW1
Capper Street WC1
Cardington Street NW1
Carker's Lane NW5
Carleton Gardens N19
Carleton Villas NW5
Carlow Road NW1
Carltoun Street NW5
Carol Street NW1
Carrol Place NW5
Carter's Close NW5
Cartwright Gardens WC1
Castle Mews NW1
Castle Place NW1
Castle Road NW1
Castlehaven Road NW1
Cathcart Street NW5
Caversham Road NW5
Early Mews NW1
Eden Street NW1
Edis Street NW1
Egbert Street NW1
Eglon Mews NW1
Elaine Grove NW1
Elm Road NW1
Elm Street WC1 (part of 2)
Endsleigh Gardens WC1
Endsleigh Place WC1
Endsleigh Street WC1
Endsleigh Terrace WC1
Erskine Mews NW1
Estelle Road NW3
Euston Grove NW1
Euston Road
Euston Square NW1
Euston Station NW1
Euston Street NW1
Evangelist Road NW5
Eversholt Row NW1
Eversholt Street NW1
Hadley Street NW5
Hammond Street NW5
Hampshire Street NW5
Hamsptead Lane N6
Hampstead Road NW1
Handel Street WC1
Hanway Place W1
Hanway Street W1
Hargrave Place N7
Harmood Grove NW1
Harmood Street NW1
Harringston Square NW1
Harrington Street NW1
Harrison Street WC1
Hartland Grove NW1
Hartland Road NW1
Hastings Street WC1
Haven Street NW1
Haverstock Hill NW3
Haverstock Road NW5
Hawley Crescent NW1
Hawley Road NW1
Hawley Street NW1
Healey Street NW1
Heathcote Mews WC1
Heathcote Street WC1
Henrietta Mews WC1
Herbert Street NW5
Herbrand Street WC1
Heriot Place NW5
Hertford Place W1
Hethersett Street NW1
Highgate High Street N6
Highgate Road NW5
Highgate West Hill N6
Hillway N6
Holly Lodge Gardens N6
Holly Terrace N6
Holly Village N6
Holmes Road NW5
Houghton Place NW1
Howland Mews East W1
Howland Mews West W1
Howland Street W1
Hunter Street WC1
Huntley Street WC1
Hurdwick Place NW1
Kelly Street NW1
Kentish Town Road
Kenton Street WC1
King Henry's Road NW3
Kings Cross N1
Kings Cross Bridge N1
Kings Cross Road WC1
Kings Terrace NW1
Kingstown Street NW1
Kingswear Road NW5
Nash Street NW1
Netley Street NW1
North Villas NW1
Qudrant Grove NW5
Queen's Crescent NW5
Queen's Yard W1
Tavistock Place WC1
Tavistock Square WC1
Taviton Street WC1
Thanet Street WC1
Thurlow Terrace NW5
Tolmers Square NW1
Tonbridge Street WC1
Torbay Street NW1
Torriano Avenue NW5
Torriano Cottages NW5
Torriano Mews NW5
Torrington Place WC1
Tottenham Ct Road W1
Tottenham Mews W1
Tottenham Street W1
Tovey Place NW5
Truro Street NW5
Tudor Place W1
Twisden Road NW5
Wakefield Street WC1
Warden Road NW5
Warren Mews W1
Warren Street W1
Waterlow Park N6
Weedington Road NW5
Weir's Passage NW1
Wellesley Place NW5
Wellesley Road NW5
Wellesley Yard NW5
Wembley Yard NW1
Werrington Street NW1
Wesleyan Place NW5
Whitbourne Street WC1
Whitcher Place NW1
Whitfield Place W1
Whitfield Street WC1
Wicklow Street WC1
Wilkin Street NW5
Willes Road NW5
Willingham Close NW5
Willingham Terrace NW5
Wilmot Place NW1
Windmill Street W1
Winscombe Street N19
Woburn Walk WC1
Wolsey Mews NW5
Woodsome Road NW5
Wren Street WC1
Wrotham Road NW1
Wybert Street NW1
No streets