PLEASE NOTE: Applications will be dealt with monthly - please submit any applications by 12th of the month, for decisions and awards by 20th of the month. Best wishes from all at St Pancras Welfare Trust.

Please help us to make a difference
Imagine having no-one to help you in times of need or sickness. Who would you turn to? Who can offer a helping hand? The only answer for many people living in Camden, young or old, is the St Pancras Welfare Trust.
Please help us to make a difference.
Please remember the St Pancras Welfare Trust in your Will. The present work of the trust is enabled by the generosity of individuals from earlier generations who wanted to help succeeding generations in times of need. Our registered charity number is 261261.
Use the secure web site run by Virgin Money to make a tax efficient donation if you are a UK taxpayer, please remember to tick the Gift Aid box . Our registered charity number is 261261.
A regular payment with Gift Aid helps us to plan ahead and is also is tax efficient. Please contact us for full details and forms.
If your company runs a payroll giving scheme, please nominate the St Pancras Welfare Trust, charity number 261261.